Sunday 26 June 2022

Sunday 26 june

 Today was a relax and recovery day after all the excitement. Roland and Maria took us on a walking tour through the Old Town of Bulach. The town was founded in 1385 after a couple of earlier settlements ( circa 811+ ) were burnt down by the invading Austrians. It still has the remnants of the Town Wall incorporated into the boundary walls of the homes built there. We then went to the Museum where there was a display of the history of the Fire Brigade. They still have an early fire fighting set up which was a Bentley Wagon towing a trailor. The Bentley can be hired for Weddings and other special occassions. Maria and Roland used it for their Wedding.

Last evening Roland and Maria cooked a roast of pork for dinner and the bridal couple joined us. It was great to have time with them for a decent chat.

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