Thursday 23 June 2022

Bullach Activities

Yesterday was more relaxed. We had a late breakfast and before I had realised it Maria had loaded our washing into her machine and it was ready to hang in the drying room. I did manage to help hang it up and bring it in later. We had a trip back to the Airport which is 12 kms away. Here we could exchange money, look around a huge Migros supermarket and stop in to Maria's favourite restaurant for  a drink. Along the way we went for a walk around a forest walk trail that has been developed adjacent to the airport  which is accessed by a small funicula  rail. Not the last we will use before we leave I am sure.

We also purchased a Rail/chair lift/ ferry tourist concession card which Maria assures us will save us lots and a local sim card to use for the month. It was very interesting while  we were in the restaurant drinking tea. At a large table next to us were some "beautiful " people  celebrating a wedding and drinking shampagne. The outfits were fascinating including a guy who had combed his beard into ringlets. There were women in long dresses, one in a very elegant off the shoulder dress but it had slipped down a bit and had the hanging straps peeking out. Quite entertaining.

We were still fairly early to bed but feel a lot more rested. More later.

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