Saturday 25 June 2022

Saturday 25th June

 Well yesterday was full on. Maria was off to the hairdresser early and I had to paint my toe nails and pack our overnight bag. It was essential that everything needed for the wedding was on board as the wedding venue and our accommodation were about an hour away. We went to the venue in Gailling first to drop off the pavlovas  then to the Rhinegold Hotel about 3 kms away. We drove over a beautiful old covered bridge between the two sites. Our hotel was really comfortable and very reasonably priced because it is across the Rhine in Germany.

We just had time to change and then off to the weddimg. The weather has been a source of some anxiety because rain and storms had been forecast. However even if Lea and Michael couldn't have an outdoor service on the bank of the river the venue was well set up for undercover events.

By the time we arrived the decision had been made for an undercover event. The reception area had been divided by curtains and all the tables were behind them adjacent to the open servery kitchen area. Seating was arranged inside because even though it wasn't raining at that time it was evident that it would be soon. The service was a bit different for us because we couldn't understand a word. Also I thought the lady reverend  talked for a bit too long before getting down to the important business. However Lea and family were happy with how it went. 

It was raining by the time we went over to a nearby marquee  for drinks, hordouves and some entertaining competitions intended to while away the interlude. Fortunately we were well equipped with umbrellas and it wasn't heavy. The food was delicious and was four courses but widely spaced so by 9pm we had only eaten our salad  then soup. The soup was a local specialty  - White wine Soup. It was very unusual but delicious. When the main course came it was beef and veal with plenty of vegetables.  Desert and the cutting of the two pavlovas was at 11. 30pm. In the periods between courses Lea and Michael's friends had arranged entertainment with video presentations which were about their personal histories and humourous depictions of the events of their courtship. Roland gave the traditional Father of the Bride speach but Michael's father used the audio visual medium which he obviously found easier.

After the desert and coffee etc we had a bit of a wait until the Bridal Whaltz. This was a little different in that it was a well rehearsed dance by Lea and Michael. By then it was after 1am and long past Bob and my bedtime. We gathered up Michael's mother who was also wilting and took the first shuttle bus home to the hotel. Maria and Roland kicked on till 2am and fhe young people danced on till 3am.

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