Tuesday 28 June 2022

Tuesday 28th June To Horw

 After our usual liesurely breakfast when we tried out some of Maria &Rolands jam making activities we packed up and set off. We went first to Zofingen to take a walk  around the park which overlooks the town. We also saw about three different varieties of deer which are in adjacent large grassy runs for the benefit of visitors.

Then we went down into the town for a walk around the old town. The town was settled prior to 1571 because we saw the toll house was built then and they were obviously in a position to defend themselves. Roland has just Googled the origins and first time it was mentioned historically was 1271. The old buildings are beautifully restored and we had a fascinating time seeing the variations of design.

Our wandering took us up until when we realised that it was 1pm and we needed to find some lunch. Fortunately  Roland scoped out a small cafe tucked in under a huge Linden Tree. Appropriately it was called the Linden Cafe. 3 of us ordered chicken cooked in a Tagine Moroccan style which was delicious and Bob had an interesting array of salads and samosas. We then completed our circuit and headed to Horw , pronounced Horb.

This is where Erich and Caterina live in a comfortable apartment and they have loaned it to the 4 of us while they are away on holiday. They have taken their caravan up to the NW coast of France so Erich can surf and 2 1/2  year old Neil can play in the sand. Hopefully Caterina can have some down time too.

Bob and I were blown away by the view from their balcony of Mt Pilatus.

House with traditioal  song written across the from with illustrations in Zofingen.

View of M

               View of Mt Pilatus from balcony in Horw.
House built in 1371 in Horw and recently restored.

Houses around the main square in Zofingen with local particular roof style.

us. Fortunately we took photos immediately because it is now shrouded in cloud. We then went to the nearby shops for a few essentials  and then a walk to the lake. Now we are sitting down to fondue for tea. 

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