Wednesday 22 June 2022


 We arrived exactly on scedule and Maia and Roland were there to meet us.  They took us home to a delicious breakfast of interesting bread and croisants. We thoroughly enjoyed it despite having eaten a substantial airline breakfast. We had had a more comfortable flight in Premium Economy but still didn't sleep much.

Caught up on the Swiss  Family news. This included the fact that in Switzerland there is a civil marriage ceremony prior to the religious ceremony. So Lea actually became Mrs Good last Saturday. The religious ceremony is on Friday at a beautiful location on the bank of the Rhine. Weather permitting there will be an outside ceremony followed  by what sounds like quite a party in a specially designed venue.

Yesterday it was 33c so quite a change from our 18c at home. We went for a walk out to a traditional Swiss farm on the outskirts of Bulach the village where Maria and Roland live. It is rather different to Aussie broad acres farms, An intensively cultivated 55 hectares. The farmer worked in the local semi volunteer fire service with Roland and also did contract harvesting for others to suppliment  the family income though he is now retired. The walk took us through beautiful Beech and fir forrest which is still harvested for firewood by the local Forrest Service.. Roland and Maria's  camper is very similar to ours with slightly fewer of the gadgets but with precision German construction. Bob was most impressed.

Last night we fell into bed and were asleep immediately. Today will be a relaxed day.

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