Sunday 19 June 2022

Now it is Singapore


I don't know what happened when  I started this post but we really are in Singapore now. We had a fairly good flight with SIA in that we departed on time and arrived on time. We have both been a bit spaced out today having to be at the airport at 3am and then not sleeping much on the flight. Fortunately our first experience with Uber went very well but our anxiety as to whether it was going to be successful meant we were at the Perth airport very early. It seems that being Saturday night there were plenty of drivers working which was in our favour. We will know better next time.

We spent the early afternoon exploring the Changi Jewel extension of the airport. It is huge with 8 levels filled with shops, entertainments  and all manner of restaurants.  Being Sunday it was fairly bustling with locals as well as travellers. The indoor waterfall and rainforest vegetation are a huge focal point and interest. We found the food hall  and had a tastly lunch and were able to check in to our hotel just after 2pm.  It was definately nap time then. Afterwards we had to head down to the Supermarket to buy milk so we could have a decent cup of tea.  After another saunter around the levels we have had a  delicious  light dinner and a are  now settling into our room for the night. 

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