Tuesday 28 June 2022

Monday 27th June Zurich

 Today we did some photo management chores and I placed all the Wedding photos in one file. We then messaged Elise for her birhday.  It was 5 pm her time and she was busy organising dinner ready to go to the Churchlands big anniversay concert. So it was a short call just to wish her Happy Returns.

Bob and I then gave Maria and Roland some space by going into Zurich on the train for the afternoon. We had a lovely walk through the twisting lanes and alleys of the Old Town. Enroute we went into the Reformed Kirke of St Peter. This was very simple in it's decoration but was fitted out with lots of beautiful wood. As we looked around and took a seat to soak up the atmosphere the organ began to play. There was a prerecorded short sample of the music it can produce from the thunderous to the gentle. It was fabulous because it was a magnificent organ.

We then ambled on down to the waterfront of Lake Zurich and caught a Ferry which took us on a 1.5 hour trip around the Lake. It was calm and sunny and very pleasant. We then successfully caught the correct train home and walked up to M & R's in the quiet but steady rain. Maria and Roland had spent the afternoon making jam. Red Current, Black Current and Nectarine.

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