Thursday 23 June 2022

Bullach Thursday.

 Well tomorrow is Michael and Lea's big day. This morning Lea called in to collect one of her parents cars to use for the weeding day as it is bigger than hers. Maria and I went over to their vegetable allotment to pick red currents and rasberries.  The rasberries are destined to decorate a pavlova which Lea has decreed for their wedding cake. An Aussie friend of Michal's arrived here from Munich in time for lunch enroute to participate in Michael's bucks night. He is the official Pavlova cook as it is his spacialty while he is in Europe.  Chris is a  sociable man who has fallen on his feet over here. He was working in Australian television when COVID  caused his hours to be progressively reduced. He began  part time in work programming electronic control of television booms.  This landed him a position in the Australian team at  the Eurovision  Contest. Now he has the possibility of a contract of work with a Danish firm which has so much work on they  are using him as a contractor and flying him all around Europe to help out on productions who want to use the technology.  

Bye for now I am going to see how the pavlova is progressing.

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