Wednesday 13 July 2022

12th July Luzern

 This was a quieter day . Maria came back from Bulach by train because Roland had to stay for the day to  sort out an issue with their camper wheels. We met Maria in Luzern. We arrived a bit before her as she had to go in to Zurich and catch the Luzern train from there. We took a wander around the city centre area finding a nice park full of mums and kinder and workers eating their lunch. We ended up back on the  riverside near to the covered bridge and just a stones throw from  the station - after one back track. 

When Maria arrived she had a plan for the day. This involved a ferry trip across the lake in one of the new catamaran style ferries. The lake was smooth and the only ripples were caused by crossing the wake of other ferries. Our destination was Burgenstock Resort. The ferry delivered us to the base of a high cliff. From there we went by cable car up the steepest ascent we have encountered yet. It was approximatlely 900metres in height but straight up .Others we have been on were longer but with a more gentle incline. The resort at the top was for rich people only. The restaurant was closed by the time we arrived. We could have taken a half hour walk across to a takeaway food outlet. However I was brewing a cold by then and not feeling up to walking up hill. We finally decided to return to Luzern and had a picnic beside the harbour. From there it was home to pizza for dinner once Roland arrived. This morning I have done my second RAT and both have been clear thank goodness. 

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