Friday 22 July 2022

22nd July Germany

 We set off at about 9-30 this morning and went out to a nearby Nursery with a beautiful English Garden. It as called Ettenbuhl -just in case you can find it on Google. Maria and I had a lovely time and Bob found it interesting I think. Roland  would rather have been getting on with the day but he coped.  

From there we went on to Lorrah which was probably a town worthy of exploring in it's own right but our focus was shopping. Germany is cheaper than Switzerland for pretty well everything. We lucked on to a department store  having a major sale and found bargains with the things we were looking for.

Roland then drove us home through the Black Forest. The plan included a stop at Titisee which is a beautiful lake that has been well developed for holiday makers. .However it is now school holidays in Germany and there wasn't a parkimg space anywhere. There was no temptation to park illegally when we spotted a policeman moving in to deIiver fines.

We ar now back in Bulach with a busy last day ahead of us as we pack up and get ready to board the plane home on Sunday. So apart from some photos it is over and out for this trip. Gail

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