Wednesday 20 July 2022

20 th July La Rasses Hotel

 Yesterday we had settled in to this Grand Hotel. It was "The Scene" in the 1950's where all the beautiful people holidayed and was the setting for a movie. Our room has photos from the highlights on the walls. It is very comfortable and well maintained. We had dinner here the night was arrived and the food was good and being in the French area had a different flavour. Yesterday we saw some varied places. First up we went to The Grand Canyon of Switzerland. It is very unexpected. We walked up a grassy field to the edge of a cliff and it opened up before us. Not a warning sign or a safety rail in sight. Not quite as big as the American version but still impressive. The upper reaches are the limestine shist we have seen elsewhere forming the cliff edges and below that the sandstone foundation has been eroded over time to give it great depth.

From there we visited a ancient asphalte mine. This was solidified by pressure underground and mined like coal with huge tunnels where horses dragged the trucks of ore to the surface. The asphalte was sold all over the world for road surfaces prior to it's closure in 1996. The area is also famous for the local specialty drink Absynth. This is a herbal fermented drink which can be as high at 77% alcohol. Roland had some as an afterdinner "digestive" last night. There are at least 70 different labels to chose from.

We then had lunch at a little cafe in La Brevine which is Switzerland's coldest town with a record 42C minus temp. It was warm yerteday at 30 C but it can also go up to 40C plus. It is a prety little town but you obviously need to be a special breed to live there. Our lunch was delicous. Bob's version of my cold has turned into a very sore throat so he had cold tomato Gaspacho soup and enjoyed it. It was made on the premises and not from Mr Heinz.

We then all voted for a return to the hotel for a nap  followed by a swim in the very nice indoor pool. I am glad that my decision to pack my bathers has been vindicated. Bob opted out which the family will know was to be expected.

Dinner  last night was at The French Hotel in St. Criox which is just down the road. It was a lovely meal and very relaxed in pleasant uncrowded atmosphere. M  & R have it marked for future attention when they are back this way.

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