Tuesday 19 July 2022

Mon 18th july - French Region of Switzerland

 We set off for the Mid West along a couple of major lakes. Our first stop was a small villlage in which we could have sworn we were over the border in France. Twann is perched between the lake and the limestone schist scarp. Vineyards are squeezed mostly above the town in terraces reinforced by stone walls. Some are close to the housing on a lIttle area of level ground. Away from the houses to the West there is a steep valley area which is thoroughly utilised. I don't doubt that the grapes have to be hand picked.

The town itself is delightful. A narrow street the meanders with the terrain built in the classic multi storied style that the space imposes.

From there we drove up to Chasseral where a hotel is perched at 1609 metres. There were lots of bikes , with and without motors and some hardy souls who were using their legs. A quick lunch and a stroll to the lookout and we were on  our way.

From here we were following the Route de Vignoble so you can imagine that it was picturesque btween forest and vinyards. We found some Scottish Highland cattle along the way and occasionally  I saw horses. We stopped off at the Chateau Vaumarcus which is a massive structure obviously intended to be impregnable when it was constructed. We were hoping for an iced coffee or icecream but unfortunately it was closed.

More ubout our hotel accommodation later.

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