Saturday 16 July 2022

Sat 16th July Horw to Bulach

 Yesterday was our last day in Erich and Caterina's apartment as they are home today. So it was clean the apartment and pack up. We left them vouchers for two of the local supermarkets as a thank you for their generosity.

We had an uneventful drive home except for a bit of a hold up caused by road work. Maria went shopping and came back with the ingredients for a special dinner. Clams cooked in white wine with spagetti. She bought the clams from the local supermarket fish counter and they were small, more like the size of our cockles but with a distinct fine shell almost like a small mussel. It was new to us but quite delicious.

After dinner Maria was planning to go to their community garden plot to water and pick the produce. We all went including Finn who is staying with us until he can connect with his Dad when we go back to Horw for a visit tomorrow.

It was just before 9pm when we set off on the 4 km round trip walking. It was still quite light due to the long twilight here. By the time we had watered and picked it was 10pm when we arrived home and a bit darker but still light enough to see clearly as we were walking.

Today will be a relaxed day. Bob has gone for a walk to the shops. I have been doing a bit of ironing. We did the washing last night and hung ours in  the courtyard. Because it is so warm here at the moment it dried overnight just as it would at home.

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