Tuesday 12 July 2022

Monday Bern

Sorry, I don't know how the font size changed and I can't get it to revert to the larger size.
Yesterday was another beautiful day. There was a slight breeze in Bern but it is forecast to get hotter as the week progresses.
As sometimes happens when a city has been promoted by everyone I was slightly disappointed when we arrived in Bern. It is the Swiss capital city and as such much historical effort was put into making it's buildings grander than anywhere else. Hence the Old Town is built up massively but it is all grey stone. To me the first impression was dullness. However the locals must have realised that it needed some colour so there are flags and fountains right down the main street.
As we moved around the city we discovered  the flowers and the riverside terraces and this initial impact was softened; for me at least. There was not the overwhelming presence of tourists that there had been in Luzern  on Sunday so although they were there it was more relaxed. We had a pleasant light lunch and explored the tourist shops a little but did not find anything different to anywhere else except the inserted word "Bern".
We then ventured over the river to the Bear Park. This is a recently developed riverside forested enclosure complete with a riverside swimming pool. It replaces a much older typical zoo type concrete pit which would have been abysmal.  We were lucky to arrive shortly before  bear lunchtime so just when we thought they had retreated for nap time they got wind of the bucket of fruit and came hurrying out. There are three healthy looking bears. Mumma, Pappa and baby bear.  The baby daughter is actually about 3 years old and is nearly as big as her parents.
We swung left on the return trip to view the Minster and the riverside terraces. Well planted and treed with cafe's  for ice creams and drinks. Very relaxing. Even the Parliament building has a terrace with chess games and the visitors access to the building - if you have the requisite pass.
We ambled back to the Barnhoff and timed it nicely for our train. Pasta for dinner just down the road. The Carbonara was a bit too strongly flavoured with cheese for my taste. I prefer Ingrid's version.

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