Friday 1 July 2022

A day in the mountains at Stoos.

 Yesterday we had beautiful fine weather but the threat of a thunderstorm in the afternoon. So we were up and off early to make the most of the day. The funicular railway is the only one in the world that climbs at 110 degrees. The carriages are within circular frames and rotate within them so that as the climb they are above one another. There is a spectacular view from each unit. At the top there is a transfer to 4 or 6 seat chair lifts and part way up there is transfer to a second longer one. To get to the highest point we had to hike up a couple of steep climbs with yet another chair lift in between. We thought the views from the first peak down over Lake Luzern were stunning and spent quite a while wandering around various view points.  By then it was looking like rain and we retreated to a hotel for a bowl of Leak and Potato Soup. Though we had to rely on Maria to translate the menu to know what we were ordering. 

It rained quite heavily while we were eating but fined up by the time we went back out. We debated whether to risk going up to the further highest peak but  since Maria hadn't been up there we allowed ourselves to be persuaded that it would not rain any more. It was definately worthwhile. The peak was the 1900+ metres mentioned with the photo and much more rugged. We eyed the footpath leading back around the crest to our previous location with disbelief. it was literately a footpath; i e one foot in front of the other with serious consequences to any misstep. A challenge for younger hardier souls.

It was a wonderful experience and we listened with slight envy to Maria and Roland's descriptions of what it was like with a deep layer of snow over the entire area.   Then it was time for home and a good nights sleep.

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