Sunday 10 July 2022

Sunday 10th July Luzern

 Today Maria and Roland planned to return to Bulach because they have a tennis match to play tomorrow. However Maria planned a full days activities before they left after dinner. Last night we went into Luzern to a Brewery which has a restaurant set up with a Traditional Music show for the tourists. We were a party of 7 because Lea and Michael and one of their friends came too. We had grandstand seats on a low mezzanine floor as the ground level area was packed with mostly American tour groups. It was a good night with very professional entertainers. They should be because they perform every night during the summer season and sometimes do two daytime performances a well. The meal was also of a good standard.

We had a relaxed start this morning after our late night. Maria then buzzed around cleaning the floors and loading the dishwasher etc as she can't leave things for us to do. We are allowed to look after the cats at least. We then went for a walk in the opposite direction to our previous walks and discovered that the lake is bordered by an attractive wetland area. Saw ducks and a couple of other birds we hadn't seen before.

We then caught the train into Luzern. By then it was lunchtime and Maria had a particular restaurant recommended. However it was closed so we ate on the William Tell. This is a huge paddle steamer now permanently moored at the wharf. It was built before 1910 and provided gracious dining (real white tablecloths & serviettes ) with reasonable meals even though it is obviously catering for tourists. Very pleasant.

From there we went to Glacier Park. This area incorporates a magnificent statue of a wounded lion. It was created as a monument to the hundreds of Swiss Guards who lost their lives defending the royal family during the French Revolution. From there we climbed a short aproach to the Glacier Park proper. This was created initially by a Swiss merchant who wished to build a brewery on an area bounded by limestone caste . An archaelologist was influential in persuading him that the evidence of glacier activity on the site was too important to destroy. It has been developed significantly to give a very realostic experience of what life was like in glacier land. It also has a labyrinth created with mirrors which was great fun.

We came back to a light dinner and Maria and Roland have departed for home. Tomorrow we are catching the train in to explore Bern which is reported to be quite beautiful.

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